Student Nurses Association of Rhode Island (SNARI)
September 26th, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Opening: the SNARI meeting took place on Tuesday, September 26th at 5:30pm at Salve Regina Continuing Education Building in Warwick, RI
Dominique Marshall, Community College of RI (CCRI), President, SNARI
Jessa Goldstein, Rhode Island College (RIC), Vice President, SNARI
Tanya Montoya, New England Institute of Technology (NEIT), Treasurer
Isabel Sidoli, University of Rhode Island (URI), Secretary
Elizabeth M. Bloom, Salve Regina University (SRU) State Advisor, SNARI
Ashley Poison, Salve Regina University (SRU)
Samantha Paquette, Rhode Island College (RIC)
Sandra Gettings, Community College of RI (CCRI)
Call to Order: D. Marshall called the meeting to order at 5:50. Introductions made.
Previous Meeting Follow up:
Convention 2018:
Respectively Submitted:
Isabel Sidoli
Print Signature
Secretary, SNARI
Dominique Marshall
Print Signature
President, SNARI
September 26th, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Opening: the SNARI meeting took place on Tuesday, September 26th at 5:30pm at Salve Regina Continuing Education Building in Warwick, RI
Dominique Marshall, Community College of RI (CCRI), President, SNARI
Jessa Goldstein, Rhode Island College (RIC), Vice President, SNARI
Tanya Montoya, New England Institute of Technology (NEIT), Treasurer
Isabel Sidoli, University of Rhode Island (URI), Secretary
Elizabeth M. Bloom, Salve Regina University (SRU) State Advisor, SNARI
Ashley Poison, Salve Regina University (SRU)
Samantha Paquette, Rhode Island College (RIC)
Sandra Gettings, Community College of RI (CCRI)
Call to Order: D. Marshall called the meeting to order at 5:50. Introductions made.
Previous Meeting Follow up:
Convention 2018:
- Rhode on the Pawtuxet has been secured for March 28th, 2018
- Discussions regarding possibly themes ensued
- Schools were notified about SNARI meetings and convention for 2018
- Regarding our efforts to inform schools of our meetings to increase student turn out
- Flyer with information was also distributed to each school’s respective student nursing group to advertise the group
- Vendors discussed- B. Bloom to start contacting in January. If there are any new vendors please submit to B. Bloom with contact information
- Discussed possibility of purchasing t-shirts to sell at convention 2018. There area some last year that we can sell as well. D. Marshall to confirm how many shirts left over with last year President
- SNARI team formed to attend National Alliance on Mental Illness walk on October 14th at 9:00am at Roger Williams Park
- Currently 11 team members signed up
- Currently raised $455 with goal of $500
- Follow up on homeless clothing donation idea- maybe an event donation event in November into December?
- Next meeting date 10/24
- J. Goldstein to follow up on location, possible Nursing Education Center in Providence, RI
- Meeting adjourned at 6:34pm
Respectively Submitted:
Isabel Sidoli
Print Signature
Secretary, SNARI
Dominique Marshall
Print Signature
President, SNARI