SNARI Meeting Minutes January 13, 2020
Sari Danh, President, CCRI
Nicholas Thibeault, Vice President, NEIT
Mary Barlas LTI
Robin Iannuccilli, LTI
Elizabeth Bloom, State Advisor
Opening of meeting:
1.Minutes from December meeting accepted
2.(?) minutes from meeting held November 19, 2019 – No minutes were recorded for this meeting.
Ongoing Projects:
a.Theme discussed – as this meeting was not well attended a Theme was not decided on. (?) Aspire to Be. Will definitely decide at next meeting.
b.Panel of speakers discussed – several people from last year will be approached and asked if they will return. Addition of a male speaker discussed. Several leads – S. Dahn to follow up. (?) Educator on the panel. B. Bloom to contact potential speaker.
c.NCLEX review – B. Bloom to reach out to Hurst.
d.Break- out sessions – it was decided that we will ask the resume writing / interview skills people to provide a presentation. M. Barlas to look into this.
e.Vendors – B. Bloom has begun contacting potential vendors. Care New England, Kaplan and Bay Path University have committed to attending. M. Barlas to contact some Long-Term Care Facilities.
f.Web-site discussed with respect to updating – N. Thibeault to make changes needed.
g.Audio-visual needs – B. Bloom to contact ATR Treehouse.
h.Lunch vouchers will be given to vendors and speakers.
a.Program reviewed – will continue at subsequent meetings
5.Next meeting(s)
a.Tuesday January 28, 2020 at 5pm, CCRI, Warwick
Meeting adjourned 6:00PM
Respectively Submitted:
Sari Danh
Print Signature
President, SNARI
Sari Danh, President, CCRI
Nicholas Thibeault, Vice President, NEIT
Mary Barlas LTI
Robin Iannuccilli, LTI
Elizabeth Bloom, State Advisor
Opening of meeting:
1.Minutes from December meeting accepted
2.(?) minutes from meeting held November 19, 2019 – No minutes were recorded for this meeting.
Ongoing Projects:
a.Theme discussed – as this meeting was not well attended a Theme was not decided on. (?) Aspire to Be. Will definitely decide at next meeting.
b.Panel of speakers discussed – several people from last year will be approached and asked if they will return. Addition of a male speaker discussed. Several leads – S. Dahn to follow up. (?) Educator on the panel. B. Bloom to contact potential speaker.
c.NCLEX review – B. Bloom to reach out to Hurst.
d.Break- out sessions – it was decided that we will ask the resume writing / interview skills people to provide a presentation. M. Barlas to look into this.
e.Vendors – B. Bloom has begun contacting potential vendors. Care New England, Kaplan and Bay Path University have committed to attending. M. Barlas to contact some Long-Term Care Facilities.
f.Web-site discussed with respect to updating – N. Thibeault to make changes needed.
g.Audio-visual needs – B. Bloom to contact ATR Treehouse.
h.Lunch vouchers will be given to vendors and speakers.
a.Program reviewed – will continue at subsequent meetings
5.Next meeting(s)
a.Tuesday January 28, 2020 at 5pm, CCRI, Warwick
Meeting adjourned 6:00PM
Respectively Submitted:
Sari Danh
Print Signature
President, SNARI