SNARI Meeting Minutes December 19, 2019
Sari Danh, President, CCRI
Nicholas Thibeault, Vice President, NEIT
Chanelle Scott LTI
Elizabeth Bloom, State Advisor
Opening of meeting:
Meeting adjourned 7:30PM
Respectively Submitted:
Sari Danh
Print Signature
President, SNARI
Sari Danh, President, CCRI
Nicholas Thibeault, Vice President, NEIT
Chanelle Scott LTI
Elizabeth Bloom, State Advisor
Opening of meeting:
- Sari Danh assumed the position of President of SNARI
- (?) minutes from meeting held November 19, 2019 – B. Bloom to look into
- Convention
- Location: Rhodes on Pawtuxet, March 25, 2020
- Slide show – Sari to update
- Theme discussed – committee will think about the theme and bring ideas to the next meeting.
- Key note speaker – Marge Norquist – need to identify theme so speakers know what to address.
- Topics discussed – cultural diversity – how are we approaching this topic?
- Panel of speakers discussed – several people from last year will be approached and asked if they will return. Addition of a male speaker discussed. Several leads – S. Dahn and C. Scott to follow up on this.
- NCLEX review – B. Bloom to reach out to Hurst.
- Break- out sessions – resume and interview techniques. Committee members to make inquires
- Vendors – B. Bloom to begin contacting
- Logo
- Discussion took place regarding the SNARI logo and the need to update. N. Thibeault working on.
- Program
- Program reviewed – will continue at subsequent meetings
- Next meeting(s)
- Monday, January 13, 2020 and Tuesday January 28, 2020 at 5pm, CCRI, Warwick
Meeting adjourned 7:30PM
Respectively Submitted:
Sari Danh
Print Signature
President, SNARI